"The 5Q Method of Discipleship: 5 Questions That Will Change Your Life" by Matt Friedeman

The 5Q Method of Discipleship: 5 Questions That Will Change Your LifeThe 5Q Method of Discipleship: 5 Questions That Will Change Your Life by Matt Friedeman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"The 5Q Method of Discipleship: 5 Questions That Will Change Your Life" is a practical guide to discipleship that focuses on discipleship methodology. In addition, it is short enough to be accessible to the average Sunday School teacher or Church leader, yet is packed with enough information that it will change the way that you do discipleship. It is written by Dr. Matt Friedeman, whose understanding of discipleship is solid both theologically and practically.

There are 5 steps to the 5Q method of discipleship that is presented in this book. The steps are as follows:

1. Scripture
2. Adoration
3. Confession/Change
4. Thanksgiving/Testimony
5. Supplication

While I will not spoil the book by providing in-depth details, I will provide a short overview of each of the steps in the 5Q process.

The 5Q method of discipleship begins with Scripture. At the very beginning, a person from the group reads a passage of Scripture that then becomes the focus of the discussion. From the very beginning, the 5Q method values a focus on Scripture. Since the 5Q method of discipleship begins with Scripture, the entire discipleship method is put into perspective. Since the focus of the 5Q method is Scripture, there is less focus and discussion about things that really do not matter in the big picture. To borrow a quote from popular culture, beginning the 5Q method with Scripture ensures that we keep "the main thing the main thing."

After the group reads and looks over the Scripture passage of the day, the groups spends some time in adoration. During this part of the 5Q method of discipleship, the group spends time adoring God for who he is and what he has done, especially as those things are connected to the Scripture passage that the group just read. If, for example, the passage of the day were Psalm 2, the group may spend some time adoring God for being in charge, even when the world seems out of control around us.

After discussing adoration, Friedeman discusses confession and change. In the confession portion of the 5Q method, individuals have an opportunity to confess shortcomings and sins to a group of people who care about their spiritual health. If the passage of Scripture just read convicts an individual of something in his or her life, this is the time to share it while surrounded by other people who are sincere about helping each other follow Christ.

After confession comes change. It is during this aspect of the 5Q process that the individuals in the group talk about how they can put the passage that was just read into practice in a practical way. Dr. Friedeman notes that if we make disciples by simply sitting around and talking, we should not be surprised when our disciples do little except sit around and talk (p. 11). Dr. Friedeman also emphasizes being specific in the way each person is led to implement change in their lives. Being vague is highly discouraged by Dr. Friedeman. Instead, SMART goals are encouraged.

Dr. Friedeman next talks about thanksgiving and testimony. Thanksgiving is, simply put, a time where the members of the 5Q group spend time thanking God for who he is and what he has done. This is different than adoration, although both are equally vital to the 5Q method.

The time of testimony offers all members present the opportunity to testify to God's goodness. This goes naturally with the period of thanksgiving that takes place at the same time. If there is a way in which God has worked in the lives of those present, especially if in relation to what was just read in the passage, it is important to speak up and testify.

The 5Q discipleship group closes with supplication. This is a time of prayer where the members of the group pray for one another and any issues that God has laid on the heart of the individuals that comprise the group. Thus, the 5Q method of discipleship is sandwiched between Scripture and prayer.

I have personally used the 5Q method of discipleship in leading small groups, and it works incredibly well. I highly recommend this book as an essential read on the topic of discipleship, and especially for pastors, Sunday School teachers, and other church leaders.

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