The Best FREE Christian Apps

 We live in an age of smartphones, tablets, and smart watches. There are a ton of apps available for each of these. Some are good, and others are not so good. In this post, I am going to collect some of the best Christian apps that I know about to help you grow deeper in your walk with Christ. In order to make this list, three criteria must be met:

1.) It must be a Christian app.

2.) It must be beneficial for spiritual growth.

3.) It must stand out in terms of what it is capable of doing.

I am not going to recommend apps that do not come from sources that I personally trust, nor am I going to recommend apps that have no practical value in terms of growing in the faith. This list may be updated from time to time.

Audio And Video Apps


Dwell is an amazing app that allows you to listen to any part of the Bible, at any time. It is essentially an audio Bible on steroids. You can choose to listen to a book, a chapter, several chapters, or a single verse. In addition, you can choose to follow one of their listening plans. These are like Bible reading plans, but with an audio Bible instead of a print Bible.

One of the amazing things about the Dwell app is what is called Dwell Mode. You can select the version of the Bible you want to listen to, the background music (including hymns), and how long you would like to listen. It is a great way to meditate on a portion of Scripture for a certain amount of time. Overall, Dwell comes highly recommended, both by myself and by others.

The app is put out by the folks at Faith Comes By Hearing, and is an excellent resource if you would like to listen to a traditional audio Bible, read along while listening, or view videos that tell the story of each Gospel. You can even make playlists to share with your friends and family! Overall, this is an excellent app if you are looking at integrating Bible reading with Audio Bible listening.

Bible Audio

If you are looking for an Audio Bible with a simple interface, the Bible Audio app is probably for you. This app was released by our friends at Bible Gateway. You can choose from multiple versions of the Bible, putting this app at an advantage over other audio Bibles that simply offer one version. Furthermore, the app has the option to adjust the playback speed and even set a timer so you can listen while you fall asleep. Overall, this is a good app.

NRSV Audio Bible

The NRSV Audio Bible app is just that--an audio Bible of the NRSV. You can read along with the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible as it is read to you. The app is free to get and free to use. However, if you would like to unlock study guides for the New Testament, they offer these for a price.

Sermon Audio

The Sermon Audio app is one way of listening to sermons on the go. It contains sermons from Christian leaders from across the spectrum of denominational lines. The app is easy to use, and is a great tool for edifying the Church, especially those who have been stuck at home during the pandemic.


Unlike the other apps in this section, Cantor is an app that is meant to help you learn to sing the psalms. I have personally talked to the developer, and have tested this app myself. It is a little difficult to use at first, but overall, I think it would be beneficial. Learning to sing the Psalms will help you stay focused on God throughout the day. I personally recite the psalms (or listen to them recited with the Dwell app) throughout the day, and it helps with my anxiety and stress. This app is likely to have a similar effect for those who have more of a penchant for singing rather than simply reciting.

The Chosen

If you have not seen The Chosen yet, you are missing out on perhaps the best Christian video series to date. The Chosen app will allow you to watch this amazing series based around the life of the disciples and their walk with Christ.

Bible Study Apps


Bible Gateway has an incredibly easy to use app that will help you in your study of Scripture. Simply pick a passage of Scripture and start reading. It really is that simple. You can select from a seemingly endless list of translations, in multiple different languages. The app is easy to navigate, and contains several different resources that you can utilize for free. While it does have a subscription option to unlock additional resources, there is no obligation to use the app and the basic set of resources that are available.

Logos Bible Software

Logos Bible Software is the premier Bible software out  today. While they are best known for their software and book packages, they also have a mobile app that allows you to utilize the resources that you have. There is also no obligation to get started. You can read the Bible for free. However, if you want free books, you can choose to get a Logos 9 Basic Package for FREE that comes with over 40 resources to help you grow in your walk with Christ. Furthermore, you can get their Free Book of the Month to keep your library growing.

ESV Bible App

The ESV Bible App is a simple app with an easy interface. The benefit of this app is that you can access additional resources to help you grow in your walk with Christ. However, the selection is far more limited than that of BibleGateway. However, that doesn't make the features that it does have any less useful.

Bible Markup

The Bible Markup app is an easy to use app that allows you to take notes on a specific passage of Scripture. The app allows you to draw and take notes on Scripture passages and then save your work. This is a great tool to help with inductive Bible study.


Ginoskos is a bible study app that helps you learn the Biblical languages. It has the feel of Duolingo, but is centered around Biblical Greek and Biblical Hebrew. You can earn points based off of how much you know and learn. If you have an interest in learning the Bible's original languages, this is a tool that will help you along the way.

Wesley's Notes on the Bible

This app is a great resource if you would like a Wesleyan commentary as you read Scripture. This app contains John Wesley's notes on Scripture, is incredibly easy to navigate, and is a great aid in understanding Scripture.


Sheep Master

Sheep Master is a great game for kids (and adults) to play. If you are already playing mobile games, why not play one that is centered around the Good Shepherd? In Sheep Master, you are a new shepherd. Defend your sheep. Nurture them. Rescue them. Along the way, you will learn more about the Bible and Jesus Christ as the Good Shepherd.

Bible Crush

Bible Crush is essentially Candy Crush crossed with a Christian trivia game. It can actually be incredibly addicting. There is one downside, however. It appears that the developers had to translate some of their questions and answers in the trivia rounds. The grammar is not always the best. However, you can still make out what is being asked, so the gameplay is not affected much.

Mighty Noah

Mighty Noah is a simple 3d game. Enter the Ark and avoid obstacles as you navigate the rising waters. Hit too many obstacles, and it's game over. Overall, this is a quick and easy game if you need to waste a few minutes while waiting in line.


LightGliders is a game for younger children that contains Bible-based activities and minigames. The game contains a good mix of action-adventure gameplay and Bible-based lessons. I would recommend it for tweens and young teens.

Bible Coloring

Perhaps you don't want an action-adventure game, but would prefer something more relaxing. That is perfectly fine, because the Bible Coloring app has got your back! The Bible Coloring app is a color by number app that is based on Scripture. When you have finished a painting, you can even save it to your phone and share it with your friends! Overall, this is a great app for all ages if you want something that is more relaxed.


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