The Tenth Prayer of Christmas

Dear Jesus,

We adore You. We adore You because of Your love for us. We adore You because of Your goodness. We adore You because of Your kindness and Your mercy. We adore You, Jesus, because You love us enough to provide instruction for us. Lord, on this, the tenth day of Christmas, we remember the Ten Commandments that You gave to Your servant Moses. Lord, these are the standards that we are to live by, and following them leads to order in society and is pleasing to You.

Lord, we confess, again, that we fall short of this standard. So many times, we place other things before You in our lives. So many times, we tell seemingly little white lies when it is convenient for us, knowing that this does not please You. Lord, we often covet the things that You have blessed our neighbors with instead of thanking You for being so gracious to them. Lord, forgive us.

Lord, we thank You again for Your commandments that You have given us. We thank You that You provide, day by day, the grace necessary to live in obedience, even though we often fail. Jesus, thank You that, where we fail, Your grace abounds. Your grace covers us. Thank You for Your grace.

Jesus, please lead us as we seek to live in obedience to You. Lord, help us, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second, and moment by moment. Apart from You, there is no hope for loving obedience to Your Word. Lead us each moment. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


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