The Ninth Prayer of Christmas

Dear Jesus,

We adore You. We adore You for what You do in our lives through the Holy Spirit. We adore You for the fruit of the Spirit that Your Spirit works in our lives. We adore You for love. We adore You for joy. We adore You for peace. We adore You for patience. We adore You for kindness. We adore You for goodness. We adore You for faithfulness. We adore You for gentleness. We adore You for self-control. We adore You because You are the perfect example of all of these, and You are gracious enough to work these qualities in us through Your Holy Spirit.

Lord, we confess that we fall short. There are times when we do not love. There are times when we refuse to experience the joy that You offer. There are times when we are impatient and throw a tantrum. There are times when we are not kind, especially to those who have hurt us. There are times when we would rather not do the good things that You have for us to do. Lord, there are times when we are unfaithful. There are times when we are not gentle or self-controlled. Jesus, we confess these to You and ask for Your mercy and forgiveness.

Thank You, Jesus, that You are merciful and forgiving when we fall short. Thank You that Your Holy Spirit works these qualities in us, so that we may better reflect Your character. Thank You, Jesus, that You are the perfect example of the fruit of the Spirit. Thank You, Jesus, that You do not work only some of these in our lives, but that You work all of these.

Jesus, make us more like You each and every day. Please work these qualities in us, so that we may reflect Your image. Mold us into Your image, Jesus. Help us love. Give us joy and peace. Teach us patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. If You do not lead us in these things, we will never develop them. If You lead us, however, we will. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


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