The Third Prayer of Christmas

Dear Jesus,

We adore You for what You have done. As we continue in this season, we remember Your example. You, Lord, are the perfect example of faith. You have the utmost confidence in the Father, and this serves as an example for us. You, Lord, are our Hope. Apart from You, we have none. You, Lord, are the perfect example of Love. You love us perfectly, and You love the Father perfectly. We adore You, Lord, as our Example.

Lord, we confess that we have not always been faithful. We stray far too often. Yet we remember that even when we are faithless, You continue to be faithful. Lord, we confess that we often put our hope in earthly things. Sometimes we place our trust in finances. Sometimes we place our trust in our work. Sometimes we place our trust in other things. Lord, we confess that our hope should be in You. Lord, we also fail to love far too often. We fail to love those we know. We also fail to love those we do not know. We often pass over the beggar on the street. We ignore those we would rather not see. Lord, we even fail to tell lost souls about You. Far too often we allow fear to keep us from loving others the way that You love. Lord, we beg Your forgiveness for this.

Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your example of faith and trust in the Father. Lord, we thank You that You are our Hope. Thank You, Lord, because apart from You, we have no hope. Jesus, we also thank You for the love that You show to each and every one of us. We also thank You, Jesus, that You love those who we leave unloved. Indeed, You love all people, Jesus. We also thank You for the example of love that You have given us. Lord, if we are completely honest, we needed that. Thank You for all of these things.

Lord, we pray for those who do not have faith in You. Lord, we pray that You will reach them. Use us as Your ambassadors, You hands, and Your feet. Bring to us the joy of helping to bring them to faith in You. Lord, we pray for those who do not feel as though they have hope. Lord, show them that there is hope to be found in You, and in You alone. Finally, Lord, help us to love like You loved. Help us understand that love is greater than anything else we could do. Help us see the opportunities to love that You have given us, and show us how to love others the way that You love them. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


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