The Second Prayer of Christmas

Dear Jesus,

We continue to adore You during these days of Christmas. We adore You for who You are, Lord. You are the Seed that crushed the serpent's head. You are the Prophet like Moses. You are the Lion of the tribe of Judah. You are the Polished Arrow of which Isaiah spoke. You are the Bringer of the New Covenant. You are the Branch of David, the Shoot of Jesse. You are our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. You are Immanuel. You are the fulfillment of the Old Testament and the Reason for the New.

Lord Jesus, we confess that we often fail to see You at work in our lives. Moreover, we often forget who You are. So often we are faced with difficult situations, only to ask ourselves whether or not You can handle it. We have failed to realize that You can handle our situation without any trouble. So often we forget this. Often, Lord, we have failed to see You. For this, we repent.

Lord, thank you for Your forgiveness. We thank You, Lord, for the way that You have revealed Yourself to us. Lord, we thank You for revealing Yourself in history. We thank You for revealing Yourself to us every day. We especially thank You, Lord, for revealing Yourself on the pages of holy Scripture. We thank You for the Old Testament, which points forward to You. We thank You for the New Testament, which points back to You. We thank You for the authority and inspiration of Your word, that it is our rule and standard, and that it is reliable.

Lord Jesus, we pray for those who do not have Scripture in their homes, both here in the United States and around the world. Lord, we pray that You will provide Scripture for them. We also pray that they will have the heart to receive Scripture. Lord, we also pray for those who do have Scripture, yet do not make use of it. We pray that You will touch their hearts and lead them to desire Your word, Lord, like we desire a meal when we are hungry or a drink when we are thirsty. We also pray for those who do make use of Scripture. Lord, bring each one to a deeper understanding of Your word. Help us grow spiritually, Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


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