The First Prayer of Christmas

Dear Jesus,

We adore You. On this day, we remember Your incarnation, when You took on human flesh so that You could become the ultimate Sacrifice for our sins. You were born in the most humble of circumstances, yet angels sang and proclaimed Your birth. Shepherds left their flocks to come and adore You. Wise men traveled far to bring You gifts. Gold, frankincense, and myrrh were small gifts in comparison to the Gift that was given to us on Christmas Day. There is no other Person worthy of our attention, especially on this Day.

Lord, we confess that, as a nation, we do not keep You at the center. We have turned Christmas into a holiday for retailers. In doing this, we have given center-stage to something other than You. Lord, we also confess that we often lose sight of You in the middle of the gift-giving and the fancy decorations. Grant us the resolve and guidance we need to return this Day to You. May the direction of our lives and hearts be changed, and may we once again seat You on the throne this Day. '

Lord, we thank You for Your incarnation and Your mission. We recognize that You became one of us to die in our place, that we might live in Yours. Thank You that You understand what it is like to be in humble circumstances, so that we never need to feel as though we are alone when we face these circumstances in our own lives. We thank You, Jesus, that You are our Wonderful Counselor, our Mighty God, our Everlasting Father, and our Prince of Peace. Lord, we would have no other.

Lord, we humbly ask that You be with those who do not know what Christmas is truly about. We ask that You bring them to an awareness that it is all about You. Help them realize that, without You, there is no celebration to be had. Lord, we also ask that You be with those who cannot celebrate because they don't have the means to. Bring them joy and allow them to feel Your presence, as these things are greater than anything that can be bought with money. Lord, may You be exalted and glorified this Christmas.

It is in Jesus' precious Name we pray. Amen.


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